CleryDart: Mapping Campus Crime

CleryDart: Mapping Campus Crime

Crimes Reported at Dartmouth College from May 10, 2014-August 26, 2014

A visualization of Dartmouth College's daily crime log.

Open to the public.

Available 24/7.

Accessible online.

The Basics


The Crime Log

The campus daily crime log, as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, provides information about all crimes reported on university property.

It must be updated within 48 hours of the reporting of the incident, providing information that is more timely and detailed than the statistics required in the annual Clery Act Report.

Crime Log Details

Some of the details required in the daily crime log include:

  • the nature of the crime
  • the location of the crime
  • the time and date the crime was reported
  • the time and date the crime occurred
  • the status of the investigation

General Facts


  • Students and the public can see the daily crime log in person by request at the Department of Safety & Security's office on 5 Rope Ferry Road.
  • It is available Monday through Friday during regular business hours (8AM-4PM).


  • The crime log exists as a hard copy compiled manually by adding printed spreadsheets to a three-ring binder.

Data Collection

  • The Department of Safety & Security at Dartmouth College does not allow pictures of the spreadsheet to be taken, and does not provide electronic copies. Currently the only way to collect data from the crime log is by writing it down.


Many current students do not know that the daily crime log exists, as there is no mention of the daily crime log in the Department of Safety and Security's website or its webpage dedicated to the Clery Act, and no information about the crime log their physical office. There is no mention of the daily crime log in orientation materials for new students and their families.

Other interested parties, such as prospective students, faculty, staff, and the local community are similarly uninformed about the existence of the daily crime log.

The crime log is only available for inspection on request.

Added together, these conditions make the daily crime log inaccessible to students and to the general public.


What does the Clery Act say about an online crime log?

A project by Guillermo K. Rojas, Class of 2013

Last Update: August 26, 2014

Currently working on: improving JavaScript workflow for updates.

Follow development more closely at GitHub

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